Support Arts & Culture Funding in San Diego
May 9, 2017
Dear Pac Arts Members & Supporters,As many of you know, San Diego has long been a national leader in its commitment to public funding of the arts, benefiting Pacific Arts Movement and many other organizations that deliver enriching programs to our communities. However, the proposed budget for the City of San Diego’s next fiscal year currently includes a $4.7 million cut to the Commission for Arts and Culture--a cut of over 31%!If enacted, this cut will lead to a significant decrease in funding for Pacific Arts Movement and many other organizations, impacting our ability to put on a successful festival as well as other year-round events. This year’s Spring Showcase was our biggest yet--not only in the number of films shown--but in attendance and support from the San Diego community, showing the need for continued funding as we serve greater audiences.Please join Pac Arts and our friends in the San Diego Regional Arts & Culture Coalition in encouraging members of San Diego’s City Council to continue supporting arts and culture here in our vibrant city. You can contact your Councilmember (contact info provided) using the recommended message below.Thank you for advocating for Pac Arts as part of a vibrant arts and culture community!Sincerely,Kent LeeExecutive DirectorCynthia KashiwagiDevelopment & Engagement Director---Dear Councilmember (Name):I am writing as a member/supporter of Pacific Arts Movement--presenters of the San Diego Asian Film Festival, Reel Voices and other year-round programs--to thank you for your ongoing support of arts and culture in San Diego. We respectfully request that you urge the Mayor to continue supporting organizations like Pacific Arts Movement and to not make cuts to arts and culture funding in the FY18 budget. As an (member, donor, supporter), City funding has allowed Pac Arts to provide unique experiences - (insert own story here).Thank you.City Council Email AddressesDistrict 1Councilmember Barbara Brybarbarabry@sandiego.govDistrict 2Councilmember Lorie Zapfloriezapf@sandiego.govDistrict 3Councilmember Chris Wardchristopherward@sandiego.govDistrict 4Council President Myrtle Colemyrtlecole@sandiego.govDistrict 5Councilmember Mark Kerseymarkkersey@sandiego.govDistrict 6Councilmember Chris Catechriscate@sandiego.govDistrict 7Councilmember Scott Shermanscottsherman@sandiego.govDistrict 8Councilmember David Alvarezdavidalvarez@sandiego.govDistrict 9Councilmember Georgette