Film Forum screening: BLUE MOON
August 11, 2017
Pacific Arts Movement Screening, Blue Moon (1997)Ko I-Chen, 1997, 97m, Mandarin w/ English subtitlesMOPA and Pacific Arts Movement present two unique screenings of BLUE MOON, a one-of-a-kind experience that has a rethink on authorial intention, narrative structure, and the materiality of film (or in this case, DCP).In 1997, Taiwanese director Ko I-cheng did something never before done on film. He designed, shot, and released a film made up of five reels that can be played in any order. There are 120 different possible story combinations for BLUE MOON, a film that centers around three characters who intersect in Taipei, forcing them to remember their past and imagine what happy endings life has in store for them.We will be presenting BLUE MOON twice in different orders to be selected randomly by the audience. Join us for this rare opportunity to see a true landmark of film history, presented in a brand new digital restoration.Discussion after each screening with Brian Hu, Artistic Director of the San Diego Asian Film Festival.2pm - Blue Moon Screening #14pm - Blue Moon Screening #2AdmissionFREE for Pac Arts & MOPA Members. Exclusive member reception in MOPA lobby after Q&A of second screening.$5 suggested donation for non-members.Click here to RVSP or make a donation: http://www.tfaforms.com/4620937Screening made possible by: